WGA is proud to represent world-class manufacturers of instruments for industrial hygiene, environmental monitoring, and medical acoustics.
Our technical expertise, robust and consistent sales volume, and dedication to ongoing training has earned us "Premier Distributor" status with several manufacturers.
Great for us, and — more important — great for you, in three important ways:
1. Our manufacturers stand behind us in making you a priority.
2. We can bundle equipment from several manufacturers, giving you a single purchasing channel to meet your needs precisely and easily and save you a lot of time and money.
3. Our stellar relationship with manufacturers also gives you the best possible after-sale support — very important as technology becomes even more advanced.
Call to let us know what you need, and we'll help you build the right program.
We are proud to sell the following world-class brands:
Sound-Level Meters • Noise Dosimeters • Heat-Stress Monitors • Vibration Measurement • Indoor Air-Quality Monitors • Dust Monitors |
Air-Sampling Pumps • Gas-Detector Tubes • Primary Standard Air Flow Calibrators • Dust Monitors |
Personal Air Sampling Pumps • Area Air Sampling Pumps • Primary Standard Bubble Cell Calibrators • Dry Cell Air Flow Calibrators |
Hand, Arm, and Whole-Body Vibration Monitors • Personal Noise Dosimeters |
Quantitative Respirator Fit Testers |
Primary Standard Air Flow Calibrators • BioAire™ Monitors |
Audiometers • Tympanometers • OAE |
Industrial Audiometers • Sound Booths |